Digital Skin Analysis

Observe 520x

Get invaluable insight into your skin with the Observe 520x.

Our advanced skin scanner uses state-of-the-art technology to analyse your skin and create a personalised skincare plan to help treat existing imperfections and even address underlying concerns before they become visible.

Gold Standard Skin Consultations

  • Many skin conditions originate from the deeper layers, making them difficult to diagnose with the naked eye. But do not worry, our revolutionary device uses patented skin fluorescence and polarised light illumination technology to uncover these hidden concerns.

    With the Observ 520x, you can instantly reveal skin conditions that often go unnoticed. This means you can create awareness and propose targeted treatment programs tailored to your skins' specific needs. It's like having a secret weapon in your skincare arsenal!

  • The Observ 520x offers an extensive range of skin visualisation capabilities, providing valuable insights into various skin conditions. With this advanced device, you can observe and analyse:

    • Pigmentation Disorders: Detect and assess irregularities in skin pigmentation.

    • Melasma Distribution: Examine the distribution patterns of melasma, a common skin condition causing dark patches.

    • Porphyrin in Acne and Comedones: Identify the presence of porphyrin, a pigment associated with acne and comedones.

    • Free Oil Flow: Evaluate the flow of oil on the skin's surface, aiding in the assessment of sebum production.

    • Plugged Pores: Detect and analyze blocked or congested pores.

    • Areas of Keratinized Skin: Identify areas where the skin has excess buildup of keratinized cells.

    • Areas with Diminished Circulation: Observe regions of the skin that may have compromised blood flow.

    • Dehydrated Skin: Assess the moisture levels of the skin to determine its hydration status.

    • Vascular Conditions: Detect and evaluate vascular irregularities or conditions affecting the skin's blood vessels.

    • Rosacea: Identify and analyze the characteristic features of rosacea, a chronic skin condition.

    • Areas of Lipid-Dry Skin: Evaluate areas where the skin lacks proper lipid hydration.

    • Milia from Milia-Like: Distinguish milia and milia-like conditions, which manifest as small white bumps on the skin.

    • Areas with Collagen Loss: Observe regions where collagen, a key structural component of the skin, may be diminished.

    • Sensitive and Thinned Skin Areas: Identify areas of the skin that may be sensitive or have decreased thickness.

    • Wrinkle Formations: Assess the presence and severity of wrinkles, aiding in the evaluation of aging skin.

    • Fine Skin Surface Texture: Analyze the texture and smoothness of the skin's surface.

    • Fine Line Patterns: Detect and evaluate fine lines on the skin's surface.

    • Microrelief: Assess the micro-texture of the skin, aiding in the evaluation of skin smoothness.

    • Skin Irritations: Identify and evaluate skin irritations or inflammatory conditions.

Highest Level Analysis

  • By undergoing a skin scan with the Observ 520x, our skilled practitioners can customise your treatment plan to specifically address your unique skin concerns.

    In addition, based on the scan results, we can recommend suitable home-care routines to complement your professional treatments, facilitating your journey towards achieving your desired skin goals.

  • The Observ 520x skin analysis offers an in-depth examination of multiple aspects of your skin, providing valuable insights into:

    Wrinkles & Fine Lines: Our analysis goes beyond the surface to assess the presence of wrinkles and fine lines, including those that may not yet be visible to the naked eye.

    Sebum (Oil) Content: We closely examine the sebum levels in your skin, as excessive oil production can contribute to acne and skin congestion.

    Pigmentation: Our analysis enables a detailed assessment of pigmentation concerns, such as freckles, sun spots, and age spots, allowing for targeted treatment recommendations.

    Pore Size: The Observ 520x accurately determines the true size of your pores, providing insight into whether enlarged pores are a concern for you.

    Moisture Content: We evaluate the moisture levels in your skin, as adequate hydration is crucial for maintaining skin health and combating aging factors.

    Skin Firmness: Our analysis helps identify any loss of skin firmness and assesses the rate of elasticity decline, which can impact the overall appearance of your skin.

    Skin Tone & Overall Health: The Observ 520x allows us to evaluate your skin tone and assess its overall health, providing a comprehensive understanding of your skin's condition.

    By utilizing the Observ 520x, we can gather precise data about your skin, enabling us to develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. With these detailed insights, we can address your unique concerns and guide you towards achieving healthier, more radiant skin.

Track Progress

  • The Observe 530x Skin Analysis tracks your skin's progress over time, allowing you to see the results of your skincare routine and adjust it accordingly. This means you can say goodbye to guesswork and hello to a personalised skincare routine that truly works for you!

  • We track your skin's progress before and after in-clinic treatments. With advanced technology, it reveals hidden skin damage, pigmentation, and wrinkles. See results and customise your in clinic treatment plan for optimal results.

    Skin analysis allows us to accurately design your treatment plan from the type of ingredients, to the depth of microneedling treatments.